About Us

Since its launch in 2001, Aim Jobs. has become the staffing agency of choice for many businesses in Ontario. The company has established itself as a reliable, efficient, and fully customized service for both employers and employees across a wide range of industries. Aim Jobs, has adopted a business model far different from other staffing agencies, offering a far more personalized service.
            With over 10 years of experience in staffing and recruiting, Aim Jobs has a grave understanding of personnel placement and applies this knowledge to every case. Here at Aim Jobs our core beliefs, principles, and morals are reflected in all that we do. By choosing Aim Jobs, you will receive exceptional service from a company who takes pride in its work to exceed all of your expectations. We house an atmosphere of trust, professionalism, enthusiasm, respect, dignity, honour and warmth, all of which mirror the very foundations from which our company was built.
            Aim Jobs has the experience, the knowledge and the intuition to effectively match the right employees with their most suitable employers. Whether you are an employee seeking placement, or an employer in need of the right human resources, we will work together with you to provide a staffing and recruitment service you can rely on.

WHY CHOOSE Aim jobs?

Long term, visionary approach to staffing
Highly competitive pricing
Perceptive matching of suitable personnel to job positions Efficient and timely position placement
Effective recruitment tactics to attract top candidates
A professional and reliable service you can count on!             
We offer a personalized staffing service to accommodate both our job seekers and our employer partners. On both sides of the equation, Aim Jobs focuses to eliminate the burden of a lengthy search – either for the ideal job or the ideal employee. Unlike conglomerate-style businesses, we adjust our services to suit each individual client, and work to deliver a fully customized staffing solution from start to finish.

Through proven marketing tactics, effective recruitment methods and diligent screening processes, we are able to place our personnel in positions of employment quickly, and have the capacity to work within very tight deadlines.
Aim Jobs specializes in personnel placements for the following positions:
General labor
Office and administrative
Factory and manufacturing
Warehouse level

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